This web site is a home for revolutionary art and music.


We are at a turning point in history.

500 years of white Christian racism and patriarchy are crumbling.

The white Christian patriarchy has presided over

 the worst genocide and the largest slave trade in history.


Today we face a death toll in the billions

as a result of their hostility to the very laws of nature.


Fortunately, powerful primeval forces are being reborn.

This web site is a part of this process.

Today it is just starting.

Our focus is quality, not quantity.

We are trying to create a space where artists can be free.

We are going to break the chains of  religious bullshit.


Explicit sexual content will be posted.

The ancient world of sexual freedom is being reborn here.

Freeing our minds from a sick white Christian patriarchy

we can tap into ancient powers that will return justice to our world.


A new world is coming.   As people break the chains of Christianity

 over their sexuality, they grow stronger.


This web site is designed to help you grow stronger.


Awaken the beast within you.

Learn from its ancient wisdom.

Feel its power!


Here are some words of power.


Crushing Racism 2017

Crushing Racism 2018

Sex Magic

